Management strategies to minimise human-elephant conflict in India
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has released a document titled 'Best Practices of Human Elephant Conflict Management'. The document can be accessed here.
The document, a collection of images and management strategies, beautifully illustrates how the impact of human-elephant conflict can be minimised. In India alone, the conflict results in 500 human deaths each year, and causes damage to houses and crops. Over 100 elephants die due to human-related activities: which include poaching for ivory or meat, poisoning, electrocution and collision with trains.
♦ Rural areas to get 600 million LED bulbs at Rs10 apiece without government subsidy
Energy Efficiency Services Ltd plans to offer 600 million LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs in rural areas at Rs10 per piece, without any government support or subsidy. More details can be read here.
♦ Dalai Lama to release book on Climate Change in November
Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama will be releasing a book titled "Our Only Home: A Climate Appeal to the World" in November. More details about it can be found here.
♦ Maharashtra declares the mangrove as a state tree
The proposal from the state mangrove cell to declare Sonneratia alba or mangrove apple, an evergreen mangrove species found along the state’s coastline, as state mangrove tree was approved during a meeting of the recently constituted State Board of Wildlife. More details can be found here.
♦ Indian climate activist Archana Soreng named by UN chief to advisory group
Archana Soreng, a climate activist from India, has been named by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to an advisory group comprising young leaders. More details can be found here.